Private Adoptions
Private adoptions occur with children who are not in the foster care system.
The process therefore is somewhat different. In order for a child to be adopted, the child must be freed for adoption. In foster care adoptions, the agency takes care of this step for the adoptive parent. For a private adoption, the adoption attorney assists the adoptive parent in this process.
New York law prohibits adoptive parents from paying a parent to adopt a child. They can however pay for the biological mothers medical expenses, room and board as well as attorneys fees. Typically, to free a child for a private adoption, the biological parents surrender their parental rights. This requires that they sign paperwork to legally relinquish their rights in order to allow the adoptive parent(s) to adopt.
Ganolli Law helps adoptive parents with all of the necessary paperwork needed to accomplish the ultimate goal of adopting a child and starting their forever family. There are many documents needed in the adoption packet, having an experienced attorney like Ganolli Law is an invaluable tool. Some of the documents are time sensitive and require the correct sequence of processing.
Another requirement for a private adoption is the homestudy. This is a report prepared by a licensed social worker which is provided to the Court to give the court all of the information on the family composition, household, hobbies, finances and recommendations of friends and family. Ganolli Law can help to find you a licensed social worker that can prepare the homestudy on your behalf in a timely fashion.
Once all of the paperwork is filed with the courts, the process of waiting for that joyous day begins. Adopting a child is a life long commitment and having someone by your side who is experienced, trusted and respected can make this often confusing process feel like a breeze.
To discuss your private adoption, contact Ganolli Law for an initial consultation.